1.855.518.8858 info@biologicpharmamedical.com
Our Patented Ingenuity...
Your Distinct Market Position...
Aging is not a function of time
Exercise essential elixir for physical and mental health
Digestive health is the foundation for overall health
Daily supplementation is crucial for long term health
Beating Arthritis
Brain Power
Unlocking Heart Health: Lifestyle and Nutraceutical Strategies for Cardiovascular Wellness
Choose to restore, revitalize and rejuvenate your metabolism (Part 1)
2B or not to B12
Revolutionizing Canine Health: Nutrient-Based Innovations in Pet Medication
Acetaminophen toxicity EXCERPT from POTENTIAL WITHIN
Understanding the Link Between Canine Joint Health and Insulin Resistance
Active lifestyle and joint care
Tackling Palatability Challenges in Canine and Feline Therapeutics
OBESITY in dogs; from humans to Huskies Part II
OBESITY trickle-down effect from humans to Huskies Part I
Exercise is as important as good nutrition
Nutrigenomics - understanding the biological activity of food
Sunscreen from the inside out