Blended excerpts from Potential Within A Guide to Nutritional Empowerment
Authored by Franco Cavaleri ISBN 0-9731701-0-7
Original post: July 13, 2011
This article is composed of multiple excerpts to result in tone and content shifts and reference numbering that may be out of order.

Dietary carbohydrates spare dietary protein for maintenance and tissue recovery (11, 12). A limitation in dietary carbohydrates causes some of the dietary protein to be used as an energy source, which is costly for two reasons: it taxes the body and it makes food bills expensive. Always stick to the protein intake indicated in the table below whether you need to lose fat or not. With your starting point identified, you can begin to ingest your necessary carbohydrates from dense sources mixed with an abundance of vegetable sources. To shed fat drop your dense carbohydrate source slightly (refer to the table of carbohydrate densities on page 376) and raise the quantity of fiber-rich vegetable carbohydrates. You’ll find that the low-glycemic-index vegetable carbohydrate sources fill the stomach faster. But you might want to increase the amount of cardio work you’re doing and decrease rest between weight-resistance sets, as well, if fat loss is desired. Summary of the Bodybuilder’s Requirement Using Relatable Examples

Here’s a good reference to keep in mind as a quick glycemic-index evaluation: vegetables growing above the ground tend to have a lower value (squash, zucchini, beans [legumes], eggplant, leafy greens, chicory greens, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage) than those that grow below (potatoes, parsnips, turnips, beets, carrots). Regulating the proportion of low-glycemicindex vegetables to high-glycemic carbohydrate sources in a meal is a great way to manage body fat without restricting food volume. I use it myself; two of my daily meals consist of the vegetable medley or a large quantity of a single, low-glycemic-index vegetable alongside a protein source. I don’t usually include denser carbohydrates for these two meals.
A third meal might consist of whole-grain rye bread with an egg/cottage cheese mix (breakfast or lunch), with two subsequent meals featuring a variable whey protein beverage. A third whey protein drink might be required to meet my protein demands. Fruit for snacking fits into the program well. Limit fruit snacking if fat loss is desired while applying this program.

If I require a larger volume of dense carbohydrates because I need more food for energy and glycogen loading, I reduce the vegetable portion and add a denser carbohydrate source (sweet potato, yam, or some brown rice) for a day or two or as long as I need. If I seem to be gaining a little fat, I reverse the process by reducing the quantity of dense carbohydrates and boosting fiber-rich (nondigestible-carbohydrate-source) vegetables.
Eventually you’ll find the balance that maintains your preferred body-fat mass. Keep in mind that you are not likely to store body fat from a meal until approximately 72 hours after it’s consumed. It takes that long to process the dietary calories into adipose fat. The excess body weight experienced the day after a binge is likely due to water retention caused by a salty meal. Here’s what the applied program might look like.
6:45 a.m.—Breakfast 1
Whey protein beverage: 30 g scoop of whey protein isolate; half teaspoon of
ornithine alpha-ketoglutarate (OKG); half teaspoon of psyllium husk (stirred
into six to eight ounces of purified water).
You can also mix your protein and any other nutraceutical additions in a blender
with fresh or frozen berries, or a semi-ripe fresh or frozen banana. Blending with
the low-glycemic-index frozen berries is my preferred fruit blend if a smoothietype
texture is desired. This keeps the glycemic value of the drink low, and the
frozen fruit gives the drink a thick, frothy texture. Furthermore, it’s a good strategy
to apply for the post-workout drink and a good method to increase satiety.
If a higher glycemic index can be tolerated, use half water and half orange juice
as the liquid base. Be careful, though: the volume quickly adds up to a large
shake. Drink lots of purified water throughout the day.
Other supplements: multi-vitamin/mineral; salmon oil: 2,000 to 3,000 mg;
flax oil: 2,000 to 4,000 mg; alpha lipoic acid (R+): 100 mg.
One cup of organic, freshly ground coffee.
7:30 a.m.—Run or brisk walk for 30 to 45 minutes
8:30 a.m.—Breakfast 2
Drink lots of purified water.
One to two slices of whole-rye bread or rye blend (ingredients of the latter can
read something like this: whole-kernel rye or sprouted rye kernel, pure water,
whole-meal rye, whole-meal wheat, oat flakes, barley flakes, linseed, noniodized
salt, sesame, yeast).
Two whole eggs plus four egg whites (you can use these eggs to make an
omelette, with the small addition of dry-curd cottage cheese to supplement the
protein count for the meal—add the curd right into the omelet before cooking).
Supplements: CoQ10: 15 mg; vitamin C: 1,000 mg; flax oil: 2,000 to 4,000 mg; curcumin
(95% curcuminoids): 500 mg; bromelain: 500 mg; GTF chromium: 200 mcg.
Antioxidant booster formula: one caplet might deliver 7,000 to 8,000 IU betacarotene,
150 to 200 mg vitamin C, 300 IU of vitamin E, 50 to 100 mcg of
selenium (ACES is a common fundamental antioxidant combination containing
vitamins A, C, and E, and selenium; this formula tops off the multi-vitamin/
mineral’s antioxidant levels). Also add a Vitamin D boost to take a total of
1000–1500 IU daily.
10:00 a.m.—Snack 1
Apple and/or orange or other low-glycemic-index fruit: pear, peach, grapefruit, etc.
Drink lots of purified water.
11:30 a.m.—Lunch
One whole chicken breast.
One to two cups of steamed or lightly stir-fried vegetable medley (this meal would have been left over from the night before when extra was purposely planned for and packaged for the next day’s lunch; may or may not include a denser carbohydrate source such as brown rice or whole-wheat pasta in a small quantity [one-half to one cup]). Supplements: multi-vitamin/mineral caplet; CoQ10: 15 mg; vitamin E: 200 IU; curcumin (95% curcuminoids): 700 mg; bromelain: 700 mg; alpha lipoic acid (R+): 100 to 200 mg; GTF chromium: 200 mcg; grapeseed extract: 100 mg.
2:30 p.m.—Snack 2
One serving (30 g) whey protein drink (plain) without the additions of the first drink (this makes for a more convenient drink in the workplace; whey isolate preferred to concentrate).
Supplements: flax oil: 3,000 mg (gel capsules for convenience); salmon oil:
3,000 to 6,000 mg (gel capsules); grapeseed extract: 100 mg; antioxidant booster: one tablet/caplet; vitamin C: 2,000 mg.
4:00 p.m.—Snack 3
Apple and/or orange or other low-glycemic-index fruit: pear, peach, grapefruit, etc.
Lots of purified water.
5:00 p.m.—Snack 4
Pre-workout protein drink if workout is to be implemented before dinner (whey isolate preferred). This would be my protocol.
6:30 p.m.—Dinner
Five to seven ounces of halibut steak or tuna or chicken.
Different vegetable medley (maybe this one is steamed as opposed to the
other stir-fried version).
Tossed salad with the Heart Healthy Dressing (recipe detailed in Chapter 9).
One glass of wine (optional).
Lots of purified water.
Supplements: multi-vitamin/mineral caplet; curcumin (95% curcuminoids):
500 mg; bromelain: 500 mg; alpha lipoic acid (R+): 100 to 200 mg; GTF
chromium: 200 mcg; grapeseed extract: 100 mg; calcium/magnesium: 250
mg/250 mg (one to two tablets supplying these elemental levels); salmon oil: 2,000 mg; flax oil: 2,000 mg.
A late-night snack might consist of a protein source only. No carbohydrate sources are to be eaten past 7:30 p.m., since dietary carbohydrates consumed late in the evening can contribute more easily to fat deposition and ultimately lead to insulin impairment over long-term practice. As previously stressed, it’s very important to avoid progressed insulin resistance if optimal health and performance are to be ensured over time. Maintenance of healthy insulin activity longer in life also preserves the operation of naturally secreted growth hormone (GH) and insulinlike growth factor (IGF) in the body (13).
(precise food charts available in Potential Within (ISBN 0-9731701-0-7). by body weight and goal)
Go to Dietary Recommendations Part I
Go to Dietary Recommendations Part III
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