Worlds Strongest Anti-Inflammatory PowerCurc30 Podcast #Curcumin
We had the opportunity to talk about inflammation and the power behind Curcumin with Franco Cavaleri from Biologic Pharmamedical, the mastermind behind PowerCurc! Franco joins the Human Garage squad on this podcast, we talk about his journey as a bodybuilder, his story of fighting inflammation & diseases, trials with Health Canada and the magic behind why PowerCurc is the world's strongest anti-inflammatory! To Get more information about PowerCurc & How to Order visit
PowerCurc 30 BioBDMC™30 is the world’s strongest antioxidant as measured using ORAC value (oxygen radical absorbance capacity), a unit of measurement for antioxidant content which was originally developed by the National Institute on Aging. It is 125 times stronger than standard curcumin, and 80 times stronger than Astaxanthin, a product previously thought to be the strongest in the world.
#CurcuminBioBDMC #PowerCurc30 #AntioxidantSupplement #ORACValue #CurcuminResearch #HealthBenefits #SupplementFacts #FrancoCavaleri #CurcuminInterview #BioBDMCStrength #OxygenRadicalAbsorbance #AntiInflammatory #NutritionalSupplement #CurcuminExtraction #SuperiorAntioxidant #HealthAndWellness #TurmericSupplement #CurcuminPotency #Bioavailability #NaturalHealing