Nutrient Base Theraphies for Dogs and Cats Seminar
Hosted by Franco Cavaleri, BSc Nutritional Biochemist
Original post: October 3, 2010

Processed canned wet foods and dry bagged kibble are primarily designed for our convenience not the wellbeing of our pets. A body built on damaged nutrition is compromised and vulnerable to immune system deficiency and cognitive and emotional instability.
Nourishing your puppy with fresh active nutrition will provide the body with the natural tools it needs to defuse and remove food-borne and environmental toxicity; empower accurate immune system activity; and reduce the risk of disease including cancer and premature aging. Learn how to make a difference and take back control over health, disease and aging in a few easy steps.
Please join us for this enlightening seminar
DATE: Fri- Sun; December 3, 4, 5, 2010 see daily postings for seminar theaters
LOCATION: Ancaster Fairgrounds, Jerseyville, Ontario
or call for details:
Paul Maguire Equus Productions
Receive a complimentary copy of “Your Dog’s Health” for attending this seminar.

About Franco Cavaleri BSc NB: a graduate of UBC, majored in Nutritional Science and Biochemistry. His postgraduate research efforts continue today on the latest gene-related and insulin-related nutraceutical research. His post graduate efforts in scientific research and development have led to the accumulation of several awards in the Canadian Health Industry including formulation awards and bestseller status for his recent book, POTENTIAL WITHIN A Guide to Nutritional Empowerment; ISBN 0-9731701-0-7. Franco is the author of several other books including; YOUR DOGS HEALTH; ISBN 978-0-9731701-1-5. More on the author/researcher:
more about Professor Franco Cavaleri BSc NB #DogFood #PetHealth #JointPain #HotSpots #Allergies #Itching #Shedding #OverweightPets #ProcessedFood #PetNutrition #FreshFood #ImmuneSystem #CognitiveHealth #EmotionalWellbeing #Toxicity #DiseasePrevention #CancerPrevention #HealthyPets #AgingGracefully #PetCare