Original post: October 21, 2010
The most cost-effective and more potent method of health care is prevention of disease which requires a proactive approach to recognize early onset of illness and circumvention of advancement. It also requires that we take responsibility to ensure that our pet’s immune and other health maintenance systems are fully empowered to prevent the infiltration of disease instigating organisms and thwart premature wear, tear and aging. Nutrition is one of the most powerful tools we can utilize proactively to create and preserve wellness.

Much like your own state of physical and mental health is a function of many influences, your pet’s health hinges on multiple factors. Diet, nutrient status, activity level, breeding or genetics and emotional state all play significant roles in health. When we say, “health is a choice”, it really is.
Every choice we make dictates the wellness of our companion pet from the time we decide on a breed or species that suits our lifestyle to the food and live nutritional supplements we feed daily. Your daily choices will play a significant role in your companion animal’s state of health.
Of course some cases of disease are purely genetic but even most of those can be mitigated with proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle – preventive measures.

A large dog like a Great Dane, for example, will be more vulnerable to hip and joint degeneration than a Chihuahua might be. In addition, within the breed, the lineage might also have vulnerability that shows up in the animal’s parents and litter mates. In such cases, ensuring that the animal’s diet supplies sufficient glucosamine, chondroitin, vitamin D, calcium, magnesium and copper, can reduce the risk for premature development of the condition.
The addition of phytoantioxidants to the diet will also help protect tissues and preserve healthy anti-inflammatory regulation throughout the animal’s life.
Nutrition, a factor we dictate, will play a huge role in disease prevention and management. Research is showing that antioxidants play important roles in genetic activity preserving genetic function. Oxidation can cause these genes to become ineffective. Uncontrolled oxidation, a factor we hear more and more about in mainstream health reports, also plays a huge role to advance inflammation, aging and premature wear. Animals predisposed to inflammatory diseases will have lower tolerance to their triggers if this oxidation is allowed to accumulate. The natural countermeasure to this escalating oxidation in our more toxic world is very simply to raise antioxidant levels in the diet. This can easily be accomplished through supplementation of the feed with carefully designed supplements.

Some animals may simply be more vulnerable to this oxidation than others and this might be the source of the predisposition to arthritis, autoimmune disease or other forms of chronic inflammation including gastrointestinal problems. Oxidation and antioxidants play paramount roles in genetic activity and disease status. We all have built in genetic potential for disease just like our pets do. We all also have codes which are designed to maintain health and vigor. The way these genes are interpreted and the way they work also depend on the chemistry they are bathed in.
The foods we eat, the antioxidants we supplement with, the lifestyles we engage in, the toxins we allow into our life and the stress we are influenced by all manipulate this chemistry in the body; in each of the cells.
Today we are exposed to more environmental pollution and oxidation than ever before. In order to allow our cells and those of our companion animals to function according to natural design we have to meet this incremental oxidation with a higher antioxidant level. Fortunately our cells and those of our companion’s have the capacity to manufacture endogenous antioxidants but these internally produced antioxidants are not enough to meet the unnaturally elevated environmental assault. In addition, as we and our companion animals age, this internal antioxidant production declines and so oral supplementation becomes even more valuable.

A formulation that includes the right type, quantity and proportion of these antioxidants protects cells from the detrimental effects of uncontrolled oxidation while supplying them with the building blocks for maintenance so they can repair and restore joint and other tissues and networks. Waiting for the symptoms of disease to surface is not the right thing to do. Administering these protective antioxidants and tissue building blocks proactively ensures that an internal buffering system is created to help absorb unfortunate encounters with unexpected toxicity from food, environment and even social stress.
Prevention is the most cost effective and most potent remedy. Preventive health care requires the administration of a fundamental supplement program daily to ensure the basic needs of the body are being met with live and biologically active essential nutrients. This involves the proactive administration of a properly proportioned vitamin, mineral and phytoantioxidant product in conjunction with a species specific polyunsaturated fatty acid supplement each and every day.
#ProactiveWellness #PreventiveHealth #NutritionForPets #DiseasePrevention #Antioxidants #GeneticHealth #PetWellness #HealthyLifestyle #AnimalNutrition #DietChoices #VitaminAndMinerals #HealthyPets #PolyunsaturatedFattyAcids #AntioxidantSupplements #EnvironmentalPollution #NutrientBalance #GeneticFunction #ChronicInflammation #PreventiveMeasures #AntioxidantProtection