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Supplements can speed your pet's recovery and maintain health

Writer's picture: Franco Cavaleri, BSc, Ph.DcFranco Cavaleri, BSc, Ph.Dc

Updated: Oct 16, 2023

Dry processed pet kibble and canned food may be “fortified,” but so are those colourful breakfast cereals your kids are always asking for.

Original post: December 29, 2010

Would we feed our kids these cardboard foods at every meal? Definitely not! Similarly, our pets need nutritious food supplemented with omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals.

Muscle and joint care.

Supplements can speed your pet's recovery and maintain health

Manganese, zinc, copper, vitamin C, sulphur, and vitamin E also play central roles in cartilage synthesis and integrity. The demand for all nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, increases significantly when assailed by the chemical scalding our environmental toxicity imposes and this increases again if physical activity is above average. Manganese, zinc, and copper are important co-factors for the powerful superoxide dimutase (Copper, like chromium, zinc, and other minerals, is involved in far more than just

Supplements can speed your pet's recovery and maintain health

Daily supplementation with glucosamine supports proper performance of our pet’s built-in health maintenance systems, preserving a youthful predisposition from the inside out. Nutraceuticals can have powerful influences at the genetic level. A recent 2002 journal article in Matrix Biology (21(2): 175-84 ) presents a study which demonstrates one of vitamin C’s roles in the synthesis of cartilage, confirming, as well, how the vitamin is involved in gene activation. This study shows that vitamin C actually enters the chondrocyte (the cell responsible for the production of collagen and cartilage) to stimulate the genes responsible for collagen synthesis. Vitamin C deficiency can cause delayed gene response for tissue maintenance resulting in accumulated premature wear.

These findings justify supplementation with levels of vitamin C, for example, that far exceed the recommended allowances, especially in the case of osteo and even rheumatoid arthritis. Chondroitin sulfate’s method of activity has also been unveiled in recent research and is now irrefutably appreciated as crucial to complete cartilage recovery and joint disease prevention. In the past we thought chondroitin performed as a glucosamine source but now we know it delivers its own pharmacological activity. It frees the genes involved in collagen synthesis from inhibitory factors such as elevated nitric oxide and peroxy nitrite, allowing cells to use glucosamine for cartilage tissue regeneration.

On its own, glucosamine supplementation to combat joint disease delivers extremely limited results but in combination with chondroitin sulfate, vitamin C, and grapeseed extract, which supports vitamin C activity, recuperation is more complete and more immediate. SOD), a potent, endogenously produced antioxidant. Without these minerals SOD can’t do its job to neutralize free radicals, and without complete SOD activity tissues degrade more quickly and the body burns from the inside out. SOD activity. It figures in hemoglobin manufacture, connective-tissue synthesis, and bone-matrix construction. Copper is also involved in hormone production and regulation, in particular thyroid, epinephrine, and dopamine.

Minerals are critical to general hormone balance, and their status can decline significantly with age and become the root of age-related metabolic deterioration. Few health-care professionals identify mineral deficiencies as a cause when their patients are faced with thyroid, adrenaline, testosterone, IGF-1, or dopamine anomalies.

Supplements can speed your pet's recovery and maintain health

The common allopathic remedy for such problems is hormone therapy. The more logical solution is correction of the true cause – nutrient deficiency. Daily supplementation to maximize health potential is far more logical and a lot more economical than the regular veterinary visits which become more frequent as the years pass your companion by.


Essential fatty acids, particularly docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) from marine oils, are also powerful insulin support. Multiple studies like the one performed by M.Taouis et al and reported in 2002 in the American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinolgy and Metabolism confirm the powerful insulin enhancing role of DHA. Maintaining insulin health promotes general metabolic health. Our work at Biologic Nutritional Research is further validation that DHA sources such as the oil from cold water fish are crucial components of disease prevention playing a role in cognitive support, cell membrane integrity, cardiovascular health, inflammatory control and more.

Supplements can speed your pet's recovery and maintain health

Many nutrients are now known to have gene-modulator activity. Vanadium sources such as vanadyl sulfate or bis (maltolato) oxovanadium are shown in multiple independent studies like the one performed in 2002 at UBC’s Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences to help regenerate glucose transport sites, reversing type 2 diabetic and pre-diabetic states of insulin resistance.

This research has founded a completely new outlook on how diabetes will be treated and prevented in the near future. Doses of vanadyl sulfate in daily quantities of 1 mg per pound of body weight per day will deliver this remarkable result in companion animals as well as in humans.

Pet nutrition is highly specialized Take charge of your companion animal’s health. Daily supplementation can prevent disease. It’s also the most cost effective and more logical cure for disease.

Our pet’s nutritional requirements are much different than yours and mine. Tablet forms of these supplements designed for humans do not work in the shorter gastrointestinal tracts of our dogs and cats. Choosing a supplement designed specifically for your pet’s metabolic needs ensures that fatty acids and other essential nutrients are included in the right proportions. The healthy genetic constitution in you or your companion animal may be sitting idle waiting for its specific nutritional activation factors to unleash the natural potential.

Essential fatty acid supplements is therefore not the same. Don’t just supplement any old fat. Many of us have heard of salmon and other cold water fish oils as beneficial supplements which can reduce inflammatory potential but these too are not the best sources of fat supplementation for our companion animals as they are incomplete. The right fat supplements can enhance skin and coat health significantly reducing the dependence on pharmaceutical drugs and the vulnerability to allergens. Fish oils are only part of the requirement. The omega-6 fat linoleic acid is essential for our companion animal’s well-being but it is not supplied sufficiently in fish oils. When supplied in the correct proportion with the beneficial fats that are derived from fish oils such as EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid), linoleic acid (omega-6) supports proper hormone and cellular maintenance.

Studies now show that EPA protects the cardiovascular system to maintain free flowing blood while DHA supports optimal brain development and neurological health. Supplementation ensures that active forms of these important building blocks make it to the systems in need. Processed feeds, however, cannot supply these nutrients abundantly even if they are added back in the form of fortification of the food since these nutrients are highly reactive and vulnerable to oxidation.

You can take back control of your health and that of your companion animal’s by applying these powerful preventive strategies and one of the most powerful applications is that of omega-3 and carefully applied omega-6 supplementation. Use the right proportion and the more active liquid form of these delicate life-preserving fatty acid supplements. Supplementation with these fats is likely to make the most significant health improvement in your animal friend since these nutrients are the most likely to be damaged and deactivated by food processing and shelf-life degradation. The improvement in coat and skin appearance are clear signs of improved metabolic efficiency as well. Some fats are essential for life and more and more we are hearing about the benefits of supplementing them. However, humans require different essential fatty acids than those which cats and dogs need and the proportions required in

These supplemental nutritional tools can be therapeutic, helping to repair torn cartilage or heal tissue wounds. However, their daily application to prevent disease can put you in the driver’s seat of your companion animal’s health.


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